Providing Data Protection and Security

As a global ad software platform with strong first party games content, data protection and security are of the utmost importance to MGI. We focus on creating a safe environment for all stakeholders. For this purpose, we have taken several measures which are continuously being updated and improved. Data protection has a particularly high priority for the whole Group. We are convinced that we can only grow sustainably if our customers and users’ personal data is being handled responsibly. The emphasis we put on data protection is visible in the entire Group.

    Group Level

    • Strict adherence to GDPR and CCPA as well as all other applicable laws
    • Annual data protection training for all employees
    • Legal data protection team that is headed by the Head of  Group Data Protection
    • CIPP/US and CIPP/EU qualified lawyers (Certified Information Privacy Professional) support the legal data protection team
    • In-House Cookie Manager and common cookie policy throughout the whole group (active user opt-in needed for non-essentail cookies)
    • In-house data protection coordinators for all departments who receive special training to enable them to fulfill their duties
    • External Data Protection Officer and Youth Protection Officer
    • Information Security Management System (ISMS) based on the “Center for Internet Security” (CIS) Critical Security Controls and managed by MGI’s internal Cybersecurity Team who implement the necessary security controls and permanently improve them


    • Fully automized “delete account” function in all games
    • Reporting tool against violations of privacy rights
    • Signatory of USK (German Entertainment Software Self-Regulation) PEGI-certification (Pan European Game Information) and ERSB (Entertainment Software Rating Board)



    • Advocating for full transparency in the open advertising ecosystem and promotion of open-source monetization products such as Prebid
    • Being IAB Tech Lab’s Open Measurement SDK certified and actively contributing to IAB Tech Lab
    • Supporting IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF 2.0)


    Together with our partners, we are actively promoting a more modern approach to data protection and the protection of minors, as well as increased transparency.

    If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our products and services, please contact us: [email protected]